MEME -- Multiple EM for Motif Elicitation: Version 3.0

Motif discovery tool

Data Submission Form

Use this form to submit DNA or protein sequences to MEME. MEME will analyze your sequences for similarities among them and produce a description (motif) for each pattern it discovers.

Your data will NOT be processed on the Cray T3E supercomputer at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, but on SKCC's "Really Fast Linux Cluster." The results will be sent to you by e-mail.

Your e-mail address: [Optional] Description of your sequences:
Please enter the sequences which you believe share one or more motifs. The sequences may contain no more than 60,000 characters total in any of a large number of formats.
  • Enter the name of a file containing the sequences here:
  • or the actual sequences here:
  • How do you think the occurrences of a single motif are distributed among the sequences?
    One per sequence
    Zero or one per sequence
    Any number of repetitions
    [Optional] MEME will find the optimum number of sites for each motif within the limits you specify here:
    Minimum sites(>= 2)
    Maximum sites (<= 300)
    MEME will find the optimum width of each motif within the limits you specify here:
    Minimum width (>= 2)
    Maximum width (<= 300)
    Maximum number of motifs to find

    Text output format
    Shuffle sequence letters
    For DNA sequences only:
    Search given strand only
    Look for palindromes only

    Click here for more information on MEME.
    Return to MEME SYSTEM introduction.

    You might be interested in trying other motif-making programs such as BLOCK MAKER at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center .

    Please send comments and questions to: