dbg_get_profiler_results( $dbg_prof_results = '' );
$cwdlen = strlen(getcwd()); // gma added var, $cwdlen = strlen(getcwd());
echo '
' . "\n" .
'' . "\n";
// gma added "$tr ="
$tr = '' . "\n" .
'' . $GLOBALS['strDBGModule'] . ' | ' . "\n" .
'' . $GLOBALS['strDBGLine'] . ' | ' . "\n" .
'' . $GLOBALS['strDBGHits'] . ' | ' . "\n" .
'' . $GLOBALS['strDBGTimePerHitMs'] . ' | ' . "\n" .
'' . $GLOBALS['strDBGTotalTimeMs'] . ' | ' . "\n" .
'' . $GLOBALS['strDBGMinTimeMs'] . ' | ' . "\n" .
'' . $GLOBALS['strDBGMaxTimeMs'] . ' | ' . "\n" .
'' . $GLOBALS['strDBGContextID'] . ' | ' . "\n" .
'' . $GLOBALS['strDBGContext'] . ' | ' . "\n" .
' . "\n"; // gma change "." to ";"
echo $tr.'' . "\n";
$lines = 0; // gma added "echo $tr." and "$lines = 0;"
$ctx_name = '';
$mod_name = '';
$ctx_id = '';
$odd_row = true;
foreach ( $dbg_prof_results['line_no'] as $idx => $line_no ) {
dbg_get_module_name( $dbg_prof_results['mod_no'][$idx], $mod_name );
//if (strpos("!".$mod_name, 'dbg.php') > 0) continue;
$time_sum = $dbg_prof_results['tm_sum'][$idx] * 1000;
$time_avg_hit = $time_sum / $dbg_prof_results['hit_count'][$idx];
$time_sum = sprintf( '%.3f', $time_sum );
$time_avg_hit = sprintf('%.3f', $time_avg_hit);
$time_min = sprintf( '%.3f', $dbg_prof_results['tm_min'][$idx] * 1000 );
$time_max = sprintf( '%.3f', $dbg_prof_results['tm_max'][$idx] * 1000 );
dbg_get_source_context( $dbg_prof_results['mod_no'][$idx],
$line_no, $ctx_id );
// use a default context name if needed
if ( dbg_get_context_name( $ctx_id, $ctx_name )
&& strlen($ctx_name) == 0 ) {
$ctx_name = "::main";
if ( $time_avg_hit > $GLOBALS['cfg']['DBG']['profile']['threshold'] ) {
echo '' .
// gma changed "$mod_name" to "substr($mod_name,$cwdlen+1)"
'' . substr($mod_name,$cwdlen+1) . ' | ' .
'' . $line_no . ' | ' .
'' . $dbg_prof_results['hit_count'][$idx] . ' | ' .
'' . $time_avg_hit . ' | ' .
'' . $time_sum . ' | ' .
'' . $time_min . ' | ' .
'' . $time_max . ' | ' .
'' . $ctx_id . ' | ' .
'' . $ctx_name . ' | ' .
' . "\n";
// gma added line. Repeats the header every x lines.
if ( $lines === 19 ) {
$odd_row = true;
$lines = 0;
echo $tr;
} else {
$odd_row = ! $odd_row;
echo '
/* gma ... Developer Notes
These two scriptlets can be used as On/Off buttons in your browsers, add to links.
javascript: document.cookie = 'DBGSESSID=' + escape('1;d=1,p=1') + '; path=/'; document.execCommand('refresh');
or ...
javascript: document.cookie = 'DBGSESSID=' + escape('1;d=0,p=1') + '; path=/'; document.execCommand('refresh');
javascript: document.cookie = 'DBGSESSID=' + escape('1;d=0,p=0') + '; path=/'; document.execCommand('refresh');