1.53.0.TC026_PHP4 (2006-10-28) - writeHTML function call were fixed on examples. 1.53.0.TC025_PHP4 (2006-10-27) - Bugs item #1421290 were fixed (0D - 0A substitution in some characters) - Bugs item #1573174 were fixed (MultiCell documentation) 1.53.0.TC024_PHP4 (2006-09-26) - getPageHeight() function were fixed (bug 1543476). - fixed missing breaks on closedHTMLTagHandler function (bug 1535263). - fixed extra spaces on Write function (bug 1535262). 1.53.0.TC023_PHP4 (2006-08-04) - second parameter were removed from class_exists function. - paths to barcode directory were fixed. - documentation were updated. 1.53.0.TC022_PHP4 (2006-07-16) - fixed bug: [ 1516858 ] Probs with PHP autoloader and class_exists() 1.53.0.TC021_PHP4 (2006-07-01) - HTML attributes with whitespaces are now supported (thanks to Nelson Benitez for his support) 1.53.0.TC020_PHP4 (2006-06-23) - this version fixes the MBCS error on html_entity_decode 1.53.0.TC019_PHP4 (2006-06-08) - this version were backported to PHP4 1.53.0.TC019 (2006-05-21) - fixed and closing tags. 1.53.0.TC018 (2006-05-18) - fixed font names bug 1.53.0.TC017 (2006-05-18) - the TTF2UFM utility to convert True Type fonts for TCPDF were included on fonts folder. - new free unicode fonts were included on /fonts/freefont. - test_unicode.php example were exended. - parameter $fill were added on Write, writeHTML and writeHTMLCell functions. - documentation were updated. 1.53.0.TC016 (2006-03-09) - fixed closing tag on html parser. 1.53.0.TC016 (2005-08-28) - fpdf.php and tcpdf.php files were joined in one single class (you can still extend TCPDF with your own class). - fixed problem when mb_internal_encoding is set. 1.53.0.TC014 (2005-05-29) - fixed WriteHTMLCell new page issue. 1.53.0.TC013 (2005-05-29) - fixed WriteHTMLCell across pages. 1.53.0.TC012 (2005-05-29) - font color attribute bug were fixed. 1.53.0.TC011 (2005-03-31) - SetFont function were fixed (thank Sjaak Lauwers for bug notice). 1.53.0.TC010 (2005-03-22) - the html functions were improved (thanks to Manfred Vervuert for bug reporting). 1.53.0.TC009 (2005-03-19) - a wrong reference to convertColorHexToDec were fixed. 1.53.0.TC008 (2005-02-07) - removed some extra bytes from PHP files. 1.53.0.TC007 (2005-01-08) - fill attribute were removed from writeHTMLCell method. 1.53.0.TC006 (2005-01-08) - the documentation were updated. 1.53.0.TC005 (2005-01-05) - Steven Wittens's unicode methods were removed. - All unicode methods were rewritten from scratch. - TCPDF is now licensed as LGPL. 1.53.0.TC004 (2005-01-04) - this changelog were added. - removed comercial fonts for licensing issue. - Bitstream Vera Fonts were added (http://www.bitstream.com/font_rendering/products/dev_fonts/vera.html). - Now the AddFont and SetFont functions returns the basic font if the styled version do not exist.