""" ldifwriter - using ldap.async module for output of LDIF stream of LDAP search results Written by Michael Stroeder This example translates the naming context of data read from input, sanitizes some attributes, maps/removes object classes, maps/removes attributes., etc. It's far from being complete though. """ import sys,ldap,ldap.async s = ldap.async.LDIFWriter( ldap.initialize('ldap://localhost:1390'), sys.stdout ) s.startSearch( 'dc=stroeder,dc=de', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(objectClass=*)', ) try: partial = s.processResults() except ldap.SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED: sys.stderr.write('Warning: Server-side size limit exceeded.\n') else: if partial: sys.stderr.write('Warning: Only partial results received.\n') sys.stderr.write( '%d results received.\n' % ( s.endResultBreak-s.beginResultsDropped ) )