#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Using Discovery of Designated Resolvers (synchronous I/O) import dns.resolver res = dns.resolver.Resolver(configure=False) res.nameservers = [""] # Invoke try_ddr() to attempt to upgrade the connection via DDR res.try_ddr() # Do a sample resolution for rr in res.resolve("www.google.com", "A"): print(rr.address) # Note that the nameservers have been upgraded print(res.nameservers) # Using Discovery of Designated Resolvers (asynchronous I/O) # We show using asyncio, but if you comment out asyncio lines # and uncomment the trio lines, it will work with trio too. import asyncio # import trio import dns.asyncresolver async def amain(): res = dns.asyncresolver.Resolver(configure=False) res.nameservers = [""] await res.try_ddr() for rr in await res.resolve("www.google.com", "A"): print(rr.address) print(res.nameservers) asyncio.run(amain()) # trio.run(amain)