package Git::Mediawiki; use 5.008001; use strict; use POSIX; use Git; BEGIN { our ($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK); # Totally unstable API. $VERSION = '0.01'; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = (); # Methods which can be called as standalone functions as well: @EXPORT_OK = qw(clean_filename smudge_filename connect_maybe EMPTY HTTP_CODE_OK HTTP_CODE_PAGE_NOT_FOUND); } # Mediawiki filenames can contain forward slashes. This variable decides by which pattern they should be replaced use constant SLASH_REPLACEMENT => '%2F'; # Used to test for empty strings use constant EMPTY => q{}; # HTTP codes use constant HTTP_CODE_OK => 200; use constant HTTP_CODE_PAGE_NOT_FOUND => 404; sub clean_filename { my $filename = shift; $filename =~ s{@{[SLASH_REPLACEMENT]}}{/}g; # [, ], |, {, and } are forbidden by MediaWiki, even URL-encoded. # Do a variant of URL-encoding, i.e. looks like URL-encoding, # but with _ added to prevent MediaWiki from thinking this is # an actual special character. $filename =~ s/[\[\]\{\}\|]/sprintf("_%%_%x", ord($&))/ge; # If we use the uri escape before # we should unescape here, before anything return $filename; } sub smudge_filename { my $filename = shift; $filename =~ s{/}{@{[SLASH_REPLACEMENT]}}g; $filename =~ s/ /_/g; # Decode forbidden characters encoded in clean_filename $filename =~ s/_%_([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/sprintf('%c', hex($1))/ge; return substr($filename, 0, NAME_MAX-length('.mw')); } sub connect_maybe { my $wiki = shift; if ($wiki) { return $wiki; } my $remote_name = shift; my $remote_url = shift; my ($wiki_login, $wiki_password, $wiki_domain); $wiki_login = Git::config("remote.${remote_name}.mwLogin"); $wiki_password = Git::config("remote.${remote_name}.mwPassword"); $wiki_domain = Git::config("remote.${remote_name}.mwDomain"); $wiki = MediaWiki::API->new; $wiki->{config}->{api_url} = "${remote_url}/api.php"; if ($wiki_login) { my %credential = ( 'url' => $remote_url, 'username' => $wiki_login, 'password' => $wiki_password ); Git::credential(\%credential); my $request = {lgname => $credential{username}, lgpassword => $credential{password}, lgdomain => $wiki_domain}; if ($wiki->login($request)) { Git::credential(\%credential, 'approve'); print {*STDERR} qq(Logged in mediawiki user "$credential{username}".\n); } else { print {*STDERR} qq(Failed to log in mediawiki user "$credential{username}" on ${remote_url}\n); print {*STDERR} ' (error ' . $wiki->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $wiki->{error}->{details} . ")\n"; Git::credential(\%credential, 'reject'); exit 1; } } return $wiki; } 1; # Famous last words